
Listening Love . . Ellie Goulding

This talented & pale beauty UK singer is planning her new album tour with Nylon magazine, has been nominated as one of ten hottest new stars by Glamour magazine and according to Wikipaedia, runs 6 miles a day...perhaps this is why she recently scored a collaboration with Nike, 'Ellie Runs for Nike'. She gets to do all this cool stuff like design her own Nike runners and she's followed and filmed on her pre-gig runs. Pretty cool. About running she says 'I wanna keep feeling that high since it's better than any other high I've experienced'. Her statement reminded me of how Heidi Klum created a blog where she shared daily snippets of her jogging with different celebrities. It's refreshing to know that not all people within the music industry rely on pharmaceutical products to get their 'high', when it is so easy to obtain and prevalent in that industry than any other.

She has such a lovely voice that reminds me of Lykke Li. The following song is my favourite from her new album 'Bright Lights.

(via Youtube)


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