
waiting for spring


The weather has definately warmed up a bit although the nights do get cold once the sun disappears. Spring must be on its way, slowly but surely. I found a nice spot in the university library today which welcomed me with abundant sunlight. I've been suspecting vitamin D insufficiency since I realised how much time I don't spend outdoors in the sun. So this was a perfect way for me to boost those vitamin D levels, which I'm sure have elevated during the few hours I was there (I can hear my body jump for joy!).

Some interesting books in the library kept me occupied in a realm of contemporary art, consumer attitudes and women of the ancient biblical days. I know, such a diverse range of books right? What can I say, I like variety to stimulate ideas and challenge my preconceptions :-)

P.S - I took some shots using my Iphone again today and this time I experimented with the Photoshop Iphone app (PS Mobile)so you'll notice they are much bolder compared to previous photos.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Maddalena for visiting! would love it if you followed me :)
